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The evaluation appointment

Navigating the Pediatric Speech and ABA Evaluation Processes

At TherapyWorks Pediatric Center, we understand that each child's unique needs require a comprehensive approach to evaluation and care. Our Speech-Language and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) evaluation processes are thoughtfully designed to provide a holistic understanding of your child's communication and/or behavioral challenges. Here's what you can expect during a Speech and/or ABA evaluation at our center:

  1. Warm and Welcoming Environment: When you arrive at our pediatric center, our friendly staff will greet you and your child, ensuring a comfortable and child-friendly atmosphere.

  2. Family Interview: The evaluation process begins with a family interview. You'll have the opportunity to share your concerns and insights about your child's speech, language, and behavioral development. Your input is invaluable in shaping the evaluation and therapeutic approach.

  3. Speech Assessment: A licensed speech-language pathologist (SLP) will conduct a speech evaluation to assess your child's language and communication skills. Standardized assessments and informal observation will help identify areas of strength and areas that may require support.

  4. ABA Assessment: Our board-certified behavior analysts (BCBAs) will evaluate your child's behavior and social skills through age-appropriate assessments and observations. This helps identify any behavioral challenges and areas that may benefit from ABA interventions.

  5. Play-Based and Interactive Activities: To put your child at ease, we incorporate play-based and interactive activities into the evaluation process. These activities allow your child to engage naturally, ensuring a more relaxed and enjoyable experience.

  6. Observation of Communication and Behavioral Challenges: The professionals will observe your child's communication skills, articulation, vocabulary, grammar, as well as any behavioral difficulties, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation.

  7. Assessment Report: After the evaluation, you'll receive a detailed assessment report. This report will summarize the findings of the speech and/or ABA evaluations, identifying strengths, challenges, and recommended next steps.

  8. Recommendations and Customized Treatment Plans: Based on the evaluation results, our team will discuss potential treatment options and therapeutic approaches tailored to your child's specific needs and goals. This approach ensures a holistic and personalized treatment plan.

  9. Compassionate Support: Throughout the evaluation process, our team will provide emotional support, guidance, and clarity to both you and your child. Our goal is to make the experience as stress-free as possible and create a nurturing environment.

  10. Empowering Your Child: At TherapyWorks, our commitment is to empower children to succeed in their speech and/or behavior development. The evaluation process serves as the foundation for your child's journey toward reaching their full potential in communication and/or behavior.  ​We are here to support your child and your family at every stage of the process. Our experienced and compassionate team is dedicated to creating a nurturing environment where children can thrive and reach their goals.


Contact us today to schedule a pediatric speech and ABA evaluation at TherapyWorks and take the first step toward unlocking your child's communication and behavioral potential.

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